New Organization Approval and Onboarding Process

Application Process

  1. Organizations wanting to register their group for the first time (or after 3+ semesters of being unregistered) must submit an Intent to Register Application via Yale Connect by the new group registration deadline.
  2. All Intent to Register applications will be reviewed by the Student Organization Review Committee (SORC) . More information on the Student Organization Review Committee can be found in the following section.
  3. If provisionally approved, new organizations will spend the spring semester onboarding. The onboarding semester serves to help the new group’s student leaders establish a strong foundation for their organization’s success at Yale.

As a requirement of their onboarding, new organizations confer with their Student Organizations Consultant (SOC) at least three times during that semester. The SOCs help support groups as they meet a series of benchmarks set by the YCDO.

During their onboarding semester, organizations have access to most of the privileges of registration. Below are privileges granted to organizations only after the successful completion of their onboarding semester:

  • Ability to accept gifts from alumni and other donors for the current use of the undergraduate organization, when the solicitation for that donation was approved in the manner described in Section H of the Undergraduate Regulations
  • Ability to track alumni in partnership with the Yale Alumni Association
  • Limited access to funding from various campus funding sources, including the Undergraduate Organizations Funding Committee and special funding sources such as the Dean’s Discretionary Fund and Traphagen Alumni Speaker Series Fund

Student Organization Review Committee

At the beginning of January, Intent to Register applications will be evaluated by the Student Organization Review Committee (SORC) . The SORC is comprised of:

  • 2-3 Administrative Staff members, including members of the Committee on Undergraduate Organizations, and/or members of the Undergraduate Organizations Affiliates Group.
  • 2-3 student leaders, including SOCs and/orUOFC members
  • 1 representative from Risk Management
  • 1 representative from Trademark Licensing

The committee evaluates applications based on:

  • Whether or not the organization meets the minimum requirements for registration,
  • the thoughtfulness of the proposed organization’s mission,
  • what specifically the proposed organization hopes to accomplish on campus,
  • the proposed activities of the organization,
  • and how the proposed organization is different from existing organizations.

If the SORC decides a group is eligible for registration with the YCDO, provisional approval will be granted and notifications will be sent at the end of January.

Onboarding Process

first semester of existence

Provisionally approved groups will be assigned an SOC who will guide them through the onboarding process over the semester. This typcially comprises of an initial new org training session and three (3) benchmark meetings with their SOC in which new group training is completed, the group’s mission and goals are refined, the group’s constitution is created, and overall group structure is solidified.  

End of onboarding semester

At the end of the onboarding semester, the group must have completed all benchmarks with their SOC and submit the Final SORC application through Yale Connect. It is here where all documents created throughout the benchmark meetings will be attached, as well as the organization’s semester summary. The summary will include:

  • its positive impact on the Yale community,
  • its stated goals throughout the semester, progress in achieving those goals, and goals for the foreseeable future,
  • its event calendar during its onboarding semester,
  • and its plan for sustaining group membership and activity in the future.

Based on the feedback from the assigned SOC, and information provided by the organization in their final SORC application, the SORC subcommittee will decide whether the organization:

  1. Will become a fully recognized group within the YCDO
  2. Must complete one additional semester of onboarding
  3. Must again be reviewed by, and potentially invited in for a conversation with, the larger SORC.

If an Organization is granted Full Recognition, they no longer need to meet consistently with their SOC and may function like all other recognized student organizations.

If an Organization is not granted Full Recognition, they may continue onboarding for one additional semester. At the end of the second semester of its existence, they must be reviewed by the subcommittee again.

If an Organization is not granted Full Recognition after its second appearance before the subcommittee, the group will be deregistered for at least one academic year. Student groups are advised to take into account committee feedback after their first review and be clear about any improvements or efforts you’ve made with the additional semester. 

Group Responsibilities during Onboarding

  • Submit all YCDO requested forms and surveys, such as the official application to register a group and any check-in surveys, financial reports, and membership/leadership rosters. 
  • Meet the benchmarks assigned by the YCDO throughout the semester.
  • Check in with their SOC a minimum of three (3) times during the semester to complete/review their progress on the YCDO benchmarks. Organizations are encouraged to think about these sessions as working sessions and will often involve creating, distributing, or submitting information.

Organizations should expect to have a meeting in:

  • February
  • March
  • April

Overview of Benchmarks 

Benchmark Required from Groups or Developed During Benchmark Meeting with SOC


  • Create draft of Constitution
    • Special focus on the leadership roles, structure, and responsibilities. Determine what will work for your group.
  • Review Organization’s Goals and Missions, articulated during Registration
    • Create a plan for implementation during the benchmark meeting with your SOC.
  • Membership Conversation
    • What does membership mean for your group? Who is a member? Membership rosters are required by the end of the first semester of an organization’s existence.
    • New Member Onboarding and Integration Plan
    • Ideas for membership recruitment at next Organizations Bazaar
  • List of potential meeting/rehearsal spaces
  • List of potential funding sources applicable to the group (may be further developed during the meeting)
  • List of potential events for the year
    • Focus on building a budget and drafting a timeline for event planning


  • Reflection of First Semester Activities
    • What events did you have? What are you planning to do next semester?
    • How did your meetings go? Have they been effective? 
  • Leadership Turnover Process and Timeline
    • Have you had elections already? If not, when and how will you have elections? How will you transfer knowledge?
  • Funding Update
    • Did you get all the money you needed this semester? How does your budget look?
  • Prioritize for the Upcoming Semester
    • What events will you be holding?
    • What funding will you need?
    • What are you worried about and/or excited for?


  • Outline and Preparation for Committee on New Organizations Presentation
  • Data storage: Retaining bank documents, alumni list, constitution, event posters, archived grant applications, budgets, etc.
  • Finance check in: How is the group finishing off the year, financially? What has the group learned about their needs and wants?

Additional potential topics of inquiry, depending on the organization:

501c3 Incorporation

  • Why-To: Is this appropriate for you?
  • How-To
  • Tax Responsibilities


  • Why-To
  • How-To
  • Transferring bank information

Contracts and Outside Vendors

Corporate Solicitation

Large Event Management: Conference Planning

  • Reserving spaces
  • Fundraising inside and outside of Yale
  • Logistics management
  • Check in with Yale Conference & Events

Large Event Management: Performances

  • Finding performance spaces
  • Fundraising
  • Costumes and storage

Performance Groups

  • Planning and running auditions
  • Finding adequate rehearsal spaces
  • CPA Award guidelines
  • Acquiring music
  • Institutional memory for choreography, scripts, and performances
  • Connecting to Undergraduate Productions

Travel Planning

  • Domestic vs. international
  • Choosing a travel leader
  • Travel leader’s responsibilities
  • Insurance and Risk Management
  • Touring

Working with Minors

  • Filling out paperwork
  • Policies