Planning a Group Trip?

It is important to take the proper steps to ensure your group’s safety and for an overall smooth travel experience when traveling domestically or internationally.

  • First, students wishing to travel domestically or internationally as part of an undergraduate student organization must review the student organization travel policies.
    • ​Guidelines, as well as required tasks that must be completed, are listed.
  • Second, trip leaders should review the information on the Yale and the World International Toolkit website to understand their responsibilities and be prepared for emergencies or other unexpected situations. The website contains vaulable information such as:
    • How to be an educated traveler.
    • Information on pre-trip planning, logistics, emergency planning and travel safety.
    • A section on Leading/Sponsoring Group Travel. 
Registering your trip in Yale Connect, which is required, is also an easy way for you to be connected with the above resources and information.