Where to Host an Event



Residential Colleges

Spaces in the residential colleges are controlled by the Head of College of each respective college in accordance with policies set forth by the Council of the Heads of College. Student organizations must receive written permission from the Residential College Head of College, or his/her designee, in order to use any space within his/her respective residential college. A list of spaces in the residential colleges may be found here.


Classroom buildings are under the control of the Office of the Registrar (Faculty of Arts & Sciences). To request classrooms, student organizations must use Yale Connect. For instructions on how to request a room using a Yale Connect event request, please visit the Reserving Classrooms Using Yale Connect guide on our website.

The earliest that classrooms may be requested during the fall semester is the Friday before classes start. During add/drop period, classrooms may not be reserved more than a day in advance (the first three weeks of every semester).  Classroom reservation requests for after add/drop period may also not be approved until after add/drop period has endedAs a result, classroom reservation requests for future semesters will not be confirmed until after add/drop period for that semester. Repeating classroom reservation requests should not extend beyond the current semester (i.e., a repeating event request for a classroom in both fall and spring semesters will not be approved).

Additionally, classrooms may not be reserved during finals period, as the Registrar’s Office utilizes these spaces for final exams. If you need to use a space during these times, we strongly recommend seeking non-classroom spaces that are not controlled by the Registrar’s Office. Visit the Yale academic calendar for the dates of these periods each semester. 

Classrooms may be used for rehearsals and auditions by registered undergraduate student groups and groups affiliated with Undergraduate Production, but there are limitations on when and where these events can take place.

  • Rehearsals and auditions that DO NOT use music or otherwise include loud noise may use classrooms at any time, subject to availability.

  • Rehearsals and auditions that DO use music or otherwise include loud noise may use classrooms at any time on weekends, after 1:30pm on Fridays, and after 8:00pm Monday-Thursday, subject to availability.

  • PH 207 is an exception to the above policy and may be used Monday-Thursday starting at 5:00pm, subject to availability.

  • In all cases, students using classrooms for rehearsals and auditions are asked to be respectful of other events taking place in surrounding classrooms or within the building and must abide by all other policies related to classroom and building use. If any group is repeatedly disruptive to others, the privilege of using classrooms may be revoked at the discretion of the University Registrar’s Office and/or Undergraduate Production.

Student organizations should also note there is a custodial charge for classroom reservations beginning at 12 PM on Friday through Sunday night for events including conferences, seminars, concerts, meetings, etc. with outside (non-Yale) attendees. 

Questions about your classroom reservation request? Email classrooms@yale.edu

Performance Spaces

Schwarzman Center Venue & Spaces

The list of available venues and spaces at Yale Schwarzman Center (YSC) can be found here. All Yale students may submit requests for these spaces using the links provided.

  • There are no fees to book the Annex Meeting Rooms, Dance Studio, and Rotunda.
  • Events in Commons, the Presidents’ Room, and The Well will be subject to a fee based on the event details.
  • Yale Hospitality is the exclusive provider of food and beverage at YSC; external food and caterers are not permitted.

The spaces in YSC that the Good Life Center manages are the Lounge (Room 205), The Offline Oasis (Room 206), The Green Room (Room 208), and the Nap Room (209). The Lounge and Nap Room are currently the only ‘closed’ GLC YSC spaces (they have doors), while the Green Room and Offline Oasis are open spaces. The Lounge tends to be the room most organizations and partners reserve for wellness-related functions and events.

  • If students wish to reserve a room in either our YSC or Silliman spaces, they can submit a request by clicking here here.

If you have questions about reserving spaces at YSC, please contact ysc.requests@yale.edu.

Sterling Memorial Library

Payne Whitney Gymnasium & Other Athletic Facilities

To request use of a facility please call 203-432-1420. A full list of facilities can be found here.

Outdoor University Spaces

Permission for use of outdoor spaces must be obtained at least twenty-four hours in advance of a weekday event and forty-eight hours in advance of a weekend event.


  • Library Walk (between Jonathan Edwards and Branford)
  • Crescent between Morse and Ezra Stiles Colleges
  • Swing Space Court Yard
  • SSS Courtyard
  • Becton Courtyard
  • Old Campus
  • Yale Science Building Courtyard

Click on the links below if interested in reserving the following outdoor spaces: