Banking/Tax ID
Employer Identification Number (EIN)
The Federal Tax ID Number (also known as the Employer Identification Number or EIN) is a number used to identify a business or other organization. Student organizations wishing to open a bank account must apply for an Employee Identification Number (EIN). Organizations should not open a checking account using an individual’s social security number. The financial burden of that account then rests with that individual and they become responsible for claiming any interest accrued on that account on their own taxes. They also become responsible for the account if there is a problem with it.
If your organization applies for funding through any university granting body, including the Yale College Dean’s Office, or you do a fundraiser with an outside business like a restaurant, you need a tax ID number to receive money or in-kind donations. You will also need this number to open a bank account. Additionally, obtaining and EIN helps to ensure the IRS will not make any of an organization’s members personally responsible for taxes on revenue that the organization has earned.
1. When starting the EIN process, you will first enter the IRS website and apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) Online at:
The tax information attachment provided here provides additional guidance/steps for the student group’s EIN tax registration.
Please note: Applying for an EIN is not the same as applying for nonprofit status with the IRS. If your organization is considering applying for 501(c)3 non-profit status, further information may be found here.
Once all the steps are complete, please contact the Yale College Business Office to initiate your student group supplier connection at In preparation your student group will need to present the following forms:
*Your group may revert to check payments if electronic deposits are not preferred, and will not need to complete this portion.
Bank Accounts
In the event that a student organization needs to open a bank account, the Yale College Dean’s Office encourages student organizations to open accounts at local banks that do not charge service fees. University funding sources cannot be used to pay banking fees. University addresses may not be used as the permanent banking addresses for student organizations.
If an organization does open or possess a bank account, that organization’s leadership is required to notify the Yale College Dean’s Office and provide it with all requested information. Here is some brief information on banking options available here.