Roles of Officers, Members, and Advisors
Only currently registered students in good standing in Yale College can hold office or act officially on behalf of an organization in any way. Officers should be aware that they are financially and legally responsible for the organization during their terms of service, and can be held responsible by Yale for infractions committed by their organizations.
A student on probation may not hold leadership or officer positions in any registered Yale College student organization, any varsity athletic team or club sport, or any other organization that receives University funds. Additional terms of probation may be enforced by the Executive Committee or the UWC in individual cases.
All registered students, faculty, and staff of Yale University can be active (voting) members of an undergraduate organization as long as Yale College students constitute a majority of the membership. Withdrawn students, alumni, and students on a leave of absence or a Year or Term Abroad are not considered registered students and may not participate in the activities of any undergraduate organization. For organizations in which special talents or skills are required, the standards used to select members must be related to the needs of the organization, and public announcements about auditions or competitions should be made to ensure that interested students are informed about the opportunities to be considered for membership in the organization.
Although the functioning of registered student organizations must be confined to and controlled by their active membership, organizations may invite others to attend or participate in events of general interest.
Exceptions to the restrictions on participation by alumni, withdrawn students, and other non-enrolled individuals must be approved by the Yale College Dean’s Office. Requests for exceptions should be sent to dean of student affairs.
To assist in providing continuity from year to year, organizations are encouraged to have a Yale administrator or faculty member as an adviser or a committee composed primarily of Yale administrators and faculty members that is advisory (nonvoting) to the organization.